Suga, o fantasma assustador

Os membros foram divididos em times no qual cada um iria decidir algum conceito para o photoshoot e o mais criativo ganharia o prêmio no final, um dos times é o Suga com o Rap Monster e o Suga deu a ideia do conceito deles ser inspirado em um filme de terror, mas ele acabou ficando tão animado que não parava mais de dar novas ideias enquanto o Rap Monster queria acabar com o photoshoot logo para descansar xD ... Read More

[ARABIC SUB] Shinhwa Minwoo & BTS Jungkook, Celeb Bros S8 EP1 BTS, Be A Legendرابط الوصف !

رابط الحلقة على الدايلي موشن

على الميجا
مفتاح فك تفشير الميجا
على جوجل درايف
———————————————- Read More

Shinhwa Minwoo & BTS Jungkook, Celeb Bros S8 EP1 “BTS, Be A Legend!”

‘Celeb Bromance‘ episode1. “BTS! Become Shinhwa”
There’s nothing like this combination!
We capture K-POP’s living legend idol! ‘Shinhwa’ Min Woo Lee X ‘BTS’ Jung Kook’s meeting!
Min Woo & Jung Kook! It’s not their first time?!
Release their unforgettable meeting for the first time!
Korea’s longest idol group Shinhwa! BTS wants to resemble Shinhwa!
Min Woo Lee reveals the secrets why his team lasts so long?!
Two men’s friendship beyond their big age gap!
Besties’ hang out program ‘Celeb Bros‘!
Don’t miss the newest episode in Navercast on every Tuesday!... Read More