BTS Punya Adik Baru? 7 Hal Dilakukan Big Hit Ketika Debutkan GirlGrup di Bighit Audition Global 2019

Hello Kpoplovers,
Pada Oktober 2019 mendatang Big Hit dan anak perusahaannya, Source music akan mengadakan audisi global di sejumlah negara di dunia. Nah gimana biar Big Hit dan Source tidak mengulangi kegagalan di masa lalu pasca bubarnya GLAM, cus deh kamu tonton 7 Hal yang Harus Dilakukan Big Hit Ketika Mendebutkan Girl Grup Agar Sesukses BTS
#BTS #BigHitEntertaiment #AuditionGlobal2019
#KPopuler menyajikan beragam informasi dari dunia hiburan Korea mulai dari Selebriti, musik pop Korea (#kpop) hingga film-film drama Korea dari artis pria wanita Korea ternama.... Read More

Run (Ballad Mix) ╳ Back to Black || BTS & Amy Winehouse Mashup

i’ve always wanted to make a mashup with bts & amy winehouse because all of the instrumentals off of back to black are SO GOOD. i needed the bts song to fit tonally though, so i think the ballad version of run works nicely. let me know what you think! ♡

connect w/ me on my other socials! i always love talking to other bts fans.
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i extracted the acapella for this mashup.
instrumental retrieved from:

i don’t own anything. all rights go to bts (bighit entertainment) and amy winehouse (universal island records).

#bts #방탄소년단 #amywinehouse... Read More