The #GetWellSoonYoongi started trending which cause fans to worry about his health.
Why did this start trending?
Did something happen to him?
During one of BTS’s “Black Swan” performances, Suga was seen only using one of his arms for parts of the choreography that normally involve both hands.
We don’t know for sure what happened or if he got injured.
But fans remembered that before BTS’s debut, Suga was hit by a car while working as a delivery boy and his shoulder was injured.
But he wanted to continue training, so he never told the company.
Is it possible that his past shoulder injury still affects him to this day?
But despite that, he still performed and did his best.
“Please rest a lot and take care” tweeted a fan ... Read More
JIMIN x TAEHYUNG – Friends {fmv}
Nb! Only the editing is mine.
Thank you for watching!... Read More
[ENG] Author ‘Alchemist’ Paulo Coelho loudly defends BTS, calling anti-fan an underground fan
Author ‘Alchemist’ Paulo Coelho loudly defends BTS, calling anti-fan an underground fan
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Source: TT&VH... Read More
BTS V’s solo fan cam of “ON” and “Black Swan” records stunning viewership within a day.
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[ARABIC SUB – BANGTAN BOMB] Preparing for CONNECT, BTS – BTS (방탄소년단)
We are bulletproof : The Eternal [ BTS ] But you’re sitting by a river
☆♬○♩●♪✧♩ Use Headphones ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆... Read More
BT21캐릭터 그리기-BTS / bt21 how to draw
BTS 멤버의 캐릭터화... Read More
JTBC under administrative guidance due to false report on BTS
You can watch this video at Read More
أغنية بانغتان ‘We are bulletproof:The Eternal’ مترجمة للعربية (Arabic Sub)
أهلاً بكم في قناتي
أرجوا وضع لايك على الفيديو الإشتراك بالقناة وتفعيل الجرس♡
علقوا بكلمات لطيفة إن أمكن…..
{LY}... Read More