The boy group just debuted threatened BTS
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Source: Kenh14... Read More
【日本語字幕】BTS Company Meeting バンタン会社 #2
【日本語字幕】BTS Company Meeting バンタン会社 #1
“Tannie” Trends #1 Worldwide As Fans Celebrate The Growth Of BTS V’s Little Star
어떻게할겨 Read More
BTS’s Jungkook Failing To Recognize Himself: A Saga BTS’s Jungkook FailingToRecognizeHimself:a saga Read More
134340 (Pluto) ╳ Say So || BTS & Doja Cat Mashup
this was requested a few times & i finally got around to making it. i think yoongi’s verse sounds the coolest, but let me know what you think! ♡
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134340 acapella retrieved from EXOFanCreations (ily):
say so instrumental retrieved from Ants Mckee:
i don’t own anything. all rights go to bts (bighit entertainment) and doja cat (kemosabe records/rca records).
#bts #방탄소년단 #dojacat #도자캣 #pluto #sayso... Read More
Jimin’s New Tattoo! + Possible Meaning
BTS Jimin’s New Tattoo! + Possible Meaning
BTS News Jimin 13 Tattoo... Read More
#btsatthelatelatrshow #btsperformboywithluv #homefest #tiktokfamoussongpassingdore #btspassingdore #btsnetworthin2020 #btsjungkooklocasong #IFPI #bestsellinhalbumworldwide #btsv,ohmygirlseunhhee,mr.trotkimheejaeoldschoolpic #btsv’spassportinformationleaked #btsvpersonalinformationleaked #btsv’spersonalinformationleakedbhboss #kimteahyungcandyshop #safehandschallenge #btsjoinsafehandschallenge #btsandwho # #who #btsvsweetnightsong #itaewonclassbtsvsweetnightsong #itaewonclassbtsv #btsvsweetnight ##mots #2020btsconcert #btsxfila #voyagercollection rtattoo #official #btssugadonatemoney #nofbts #cardibwithbts #cardibfanotsafterwatchingcarpoolkaraokeviedo #cardibwatchbtscarpoolkaraokeviedo #btsjininmilitary #jimi#btsreactionon’on’
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