When Yoongi Turns Into Lil Meow Meow

Although not a fan of BTS, everyone has to admit that Suga is considered the “swag representative” of the group. That’s because he often appears in public with a cold appearance; when he goes on stage, he “dances” with all his heart with super cool rap songs. But as soon as they learned about Min Yoongi (Suga’s real name), many people couldn’t help but melt at his mischievous and childish gestures. Over time, the BTS rapper seems to have “reversed aging,” so much so that many fans now give him the nickname “Lil Meow Meow.” It turns out that the handle “Lil Meow Meow” is favored by fans. The incredible rapper of BTS is not a coincidence. Because this guy always has “shocking” things in common between Suga and cute cats! And many times, fans have caught those moments. Now let’s discover how adorable Yoongi is.... Read More

【BTS 日本語字幕】防弾少年団キム・ソジンは自信満々の王様です

KPOP界でジンほど自分のイケメンぶりに自信を持っているアイドルはいないと言える。ハンサムでロマンチックな顔立ちのジン(BTS)は、KPOPファンの間で注目されている男性アイドルの一人だ。しかし、他のイケメンアイドルとは違い、彼は恥ずかしそうに微笑むのではなく、リアリティ番組やインタビューに参加するたびに、自分の輝く姿を率直に認めているのである。海外では、いつも観客を爆笑の渦に巻き込んでいる。自信に満ちたジンは、リアリティショーに参加した後、観客の記憶に深く刻まれる。自称「世界的イケメン」は、次第にジンという人物を語る上で欠かせないキーワードになっていく。動画を見ながら大笑いしましょう!... Read More