지난 6월 10~11일, KSPO DOME과 88 Lawn Field에서 열린 ‘2023 Weverse Con Festival’을 담은 [We-Log]를 감상하세요!
위버스에서 준비한 [We-Log]를 통해 ‘위버스파크’와 ‘위버스콘’에서, ‘낮’부터 ‘밤’까지, 국내외 다양한 아티스트들로 꽉꽉 채워진 무대들과 당일 현장 분위기까지! 그날의 여운을 다시 한번 느껴보시길 바랍니다.
We are looking back on 2023 Weverse Con Festival, that was held on June 10 – 11 at KSPO DOME and 88 Lawn Field, and wanted to share the memory with you via [We-Log]!
The stages were filled with wonderful performances from global artists, and the grounds were filled with joy and excitement!
Come relive the excitement of Weverse Con Festival, from Weverse Con to Weverse Park, and from day to night!
6月10日、11日にKSPO DOMEと88 Lawn Fieldで行われた「2023 Weverse Con Festival」の様子を、「We-Log」に収めました!
昼から夜の「Weverse Park」と「Weverse Con」、グローバルアーティストの素敵なパフォーマンス、会場の熱かった盛り上がりまで!