#BTS #BTSInsightForum #BTS인사이트포럼
3일간의 세미나, 그 첫날의 테마는 “보이지 않는 뿌리를 찾아서” 그 마지막 세션을 장식한 이지영교수님은 앞서서 진행된 세션들을 총 리뷰!
또한 이전에는 없었던 전혀 새로운 예술형식을 BTS와 아미들이 어떻게 펼쳐내고 있는지 철학적으로 그러나 이해하기 쉽게 소개해드립니다.
머쉬룸의 더 많은 소식을 보고 싶다면 mush-room.co.kr
머쉬룸 카카오톡 친구추가 http://pf.kakao.com/_axeBJT
Now, the overall concept of art is undergoing a transformation. The definition of ‘artist’ now are not confined to a few prodigies but expanded to groups who create art in collective manner.
In the case of BTS, so much fan created contents are already involved and it blurred the line between artist and consumer. Upon that, we have seen changes in material foundation, scope, institution, and the value that arts should accomplish. To put this into Benjamin’s word, we can say that the art phenomenon shown in BTS production is the expression of global transition of history in the form of arts.