Oh my my my, oh my my my, new tutorial to BTS’ newest hit Boy With Luv feat. Halsey! Learn this dance with us and be in luv, taught by Sicillia, with Elaine, Min, Millie, Jason and Michaela! Good luck and have fun!
Sicillia: @xixisici
Elaine: @elaineeeyang @ey_elaine
Jason: @jasondiu
Millie: @ninja_fromouterspace
Michaela: @its_tai.m
Min: @min.u_91
Difficulty Level: Beginner/Intermediate
70%: 25:40
80%: 27:19
90%: 27:51
100%: 28:46
Final: 29:35
Official MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsX3ATc3FbA
Official Practice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzvfbRbEjww
Sicillia, Michaela, Ellen, and Rico are teaching weekly K-Pop cover dance classes at DanceLife X Centre in downtown Toronto, along with a couple other amazing instructors! Come out to learn from them in person 🙂
Check out the DanceLife X website for more info: http://www.dancelifex.com/
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/RhythmPowerMoxie
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rpmdancecrew/