
Bangtan Eating!

hello!! this video was so cute to edit and i love seeing our babies all full :,))) Anyways, i’ve really been on top of the game lately and havent been that stressed and am starting to get a schedule down and just wow, im just so organized😫😫💯 i’m really looking forward to summer tho, jfc i miss it so much. Anyways, im gonna go watch some of the boy’s old v lives, bye :)))... Read More

A Video To Watch When You’re Sad: Yoongi Version

hey guys, i started my new semester this week and im already so stressed and can tell its gonna be a busy next few couple of months :,( i feel like ill be posting more compilation videos rather than guides because guides take a lot of time and im kind of short on it right now, but when or if i have time, i’ll start them back up again!! Please leave requests of future videos you’d like to see :))) also idk i kinda wanna do face videos but im shy asf and idk what id even make a video on, lmao it’s just a thought. Maybe tho…👀... Read More