
【BTS 日本語字幕】BTS ジョングク 女の子とのキュートなひととき

BTSのジョングクはマッチョな外見で、ステージに立つたびに強く、魅力的で、巧みなイメージを誇示する。その結果、ジョンクックはすべての人、特に女性の心をつかむことができた。ファンの間では、同僚の男性や女性、さらには著名なKPOPグループの女性メンバーまでが、ステージ上で瞬きもせずにジョングクを見つめていることに何度も気づかされました。しかし、BTSの “黄金のマクネ “は非常に…シャイな女の子なので、彼らに接触するのは難しいようです。”シャイガール “だからです。それは、ジョンクックが「赤面」したり、「はにかみ」たり、同僚女性との対面や偶然の出会いで逃げ出そうとするシーンにも表れている。ジョングクは、一緒にステージに立ったり、一緒に自撮りをしたり、お祝いのためにハグをしたりと、女性との交流を極力避けようとします。一方、ジョングクは、どんなに嫌がったり恥ずかしがったりしても、女性に対しては驚くほど “謙虚 “で素敵な態度で接することができます。それでは、ジョングクが女性といるときの反応を見てみましょう!... Read More

When BTS Shows Their Cooking Skills

Not only are they handsome, but the members of BTS make fans fall in love every time they show off their cooking skills, showing the perfect boyfriend! But through the episodes of Run BTS, BTS’s entertainment program “Homemade” makes you “laugh yourself to tears” at the “accidents” that happen when they participate in cooking. Not knowing how to estimate spices or not knowing how to use kitchen utensils and countless other funny moments properly took place that made the audience laugh while watching. Have fun watching the video! Thanks for always watching our videos!... Read More

BTS Play Water Games In Run BTS

When BTS play games, they do whatever it takes to win. Sometimes, that means kicking friendship to the curb! In an Episode of Run BTS! BTS plunged down a sky-high water slide and were catapulted into the air. They also tackled a slippery obstacle course. The goal of the game was to get this ball to the finish line. To keep Suga from catching it, Jin pushed Suga away. He pinned Suga and hollered for his teammates to hurry! The next game is a bath relay game. They have to play rock-paper-scissors and the winner attacks the loser with water, the one who attacks three times first wins. Then they have to fill the glass pipe with water using a towel and save the duck. And then one person in the team dives and is timed. Really the best part about this whole game is the slow motion camera they use to show the members splashing each other. It’s a little bit like watching bay watch but silly BTS style. Check out this video to see more of BTS playing water games in Run BTS. ... Read More