
Learn English with BTS (lesson #1)

hey hey this is my first video :) hope you enjoyed it and please subscribe, like and comment on this video to support me, also share this video if you think it was good enough that your eyes didn’t bleed bc of the video. Anyways, thanks for wasting your time watching my video I really appreciate it. It means so much to me to be noticed by you!!! ... Read More

A Message from BTS to ARMY #ARMYDAY | BTS Letter to ARMY in Birthday Party Reaction

HAPPY ARMY DAY FAMILIA!! 💜 This is the day that BTS gave their fans the name “ARMY” on July 9, 2013. What a journey they have gone through since then, with their beloved ARMY. It seems as if ARMY was the energy and backbone they needed to get through their toughest times, and it is reciprocated right back. BTS has helped us (and I’m sure so many other ARMYs) get through very difficult, if not the most difficult times in our lives. SO MUCH LOVE FOR THEM AND SO MUCH LOVE FOR BEING APART OF ARMY. Happy ARMY Day 💜... Read More

Terpecahkan! Ternyata ini Pesan Tersembunyi dan Makna Lagu BTS Stay Gold Yang Tak Banyak Army Tau

Hello ARMY & Kpoplovers!
Setelah resmi merilis lagu Jepang ‘Stay Gold’ pada 19 Juni lalu yang langsung mendominasi chart iTunes di seluruh dunia, selanjutnya BTS pada 26 Juni lalu, merilis video musiknya di channel Youtube. Stay Gold merupakan lagu pra-rilis yang diumumkan sebelum BTS resmi merilis full album Jepang keempat mereka yang bertajuk ‘Map of the Soul: 7 The Journey pada 15 Juli mendatang. Yuk caritahu lebih jauh tentang video musiknya pada konten hari ini: Pesan Tersembunyi dan Makna Lagu BTS Stay Gold.
#BTS #StayGold #Bighit
#KPopuler menyajikan beragam informasi dari dunia hiburan Korea mulai dari Selebriti, musik pop Korea (#kpop) hingga film-film drama Korea dari artis pria wanita Korea ternama.... Read More