i thought these songs fit well together thematically, haha. i’ve actually had this done for like months but just never got around to making a video for it. let me know what you think! ♡
connect w/ me on my other socials! i always love talking to other bts fans.
my twitter: https://twitter.com/theplanetaerium
my instagram: https://instagram.com/planetaeries
my tumblr: https://theplanetaerium.tumblr.com/
my soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/seokjinnie-youtube
my tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/uPQEAe/
the acapella used in this mashup is my own.
instrumental retrieved from: https://youtu.be/2yfow4T2Z6Y
i don’t own anything. all rights go to bts (bighit entertainment) and panic! at the disco (fueled by ramen).
#bts #방탄소년단 #panicatthedisco #dionysus #dontthreatenmewithagoodtime