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✨I have partnered up with Lianox (a kpop store, they sell BTS merch ), if you want to support my channel you can use the code “christiebrenner” at checkout for 10% of your order: http://lianox.com/christiebrenner ! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ✨
✩ SOCIAL MEDIA (cuz why not)✩
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✭ Tumblr → http://tfcbp.tumblr.com
✭ D.A → https://christiebrenner.deviantart.com
✭ Amino → https://aminoapps.com/c/a-r-m-ys-forever/page/user/christie-brenner/aVaZ_d5auQfKXNMxWRJ6qdqWlPDxK3zEzlQ