No!…BTS broke Big Hit rules

All kpop agencies have rules that stars have to follow
except for BTS
they don’t really care
and wat chu gonna do about it, BigHit?
So, here are a few times BTS broke the agency rules

When BTS’s ‘Save Me’ webtoon came out
BigHit made it very clear that screenshots and sharing of the content by any means is prohibited
Fans took that very seriously
but does Jimin care?
He made a screenshot of his character and shared it on all of BTS’s social accounts
which caused many fans to retweet the post

For agencies, the image of their artists is very important
They take months to plan their looks for every comeback
And stars can’t make changes in their appearance without the agency’s approval
But well… Jin either doesn’t know this rule
or he simply doesn’t care…
I personally think it’s the latter
Because he repeatedly cuts his own hair
despite stylist noona being against it
And when he wanted to change his hair color but HigHit didn’t approve
he threatened to do it on his own
“So I said, Oh? Wow. If you don’t let me, then I will dye it myself and come back” he said
So, they had no other choice but to accept it
“When my hair stylist tells me that I need a haircut, I go ehmm, no, no, I won’t, I won’t. I stop them from cutting my hair”
What a disobedient idol…
Jin is quite famous for never listening to the staff
As he revealed: “When they bring scissors, I show them rock. Then, they know that I won and they don’t cut my hair”

And he’s a bad influence for the other members too
One time, Jin and Jimin wanted to drink during a vlive broadcast
But the staff said that they’re not allowed to do it on camera
But did Jin listen?
He said that his throat was not in a good condition
and he needs to use alcohol to disinfect it
And… just like that he made Jimin break the rules too…
Who do you think breaks the agency rules the most?
Well… except Jin as he’s the obvious choice
Let us know in the comments
And as always: be nice, be like BTS