【BTS 日本語字幕】私が沢山考える防弾少年団とイッチの間の瞬間

ItzyはJYPのガールズグループだが、彼女たちはまさにARMYである。BTSの少年たちを見ると、感嘆と歓喜の表情を浮かべることが多い。以前、ITZYのメンバーであるリュジンとユナは、デビュー前の時期にBTSと協力する機会があった。彼女たちはJ-HOPEと定期的に振り付けを練習することで、彼との距離を縮めていった。ユナは、男性アイドルの病院仲間としてジョングクと共に本作で共演する。イッツィとBTSの貴重なツーショットを見てみよう。... Read More

BTS Fashion Show (Cute And Funny)

As a globally famous group with countless unprecedented achievements, any information or appearance of BTS is always a topic of interest to journalists and fans. In addition to the talent and close bond between the group members, BTS is also famous for their trendy fashion sense when they appear. They have made fashion diverse, defying all standards. And specifically, in some of BTS’s Run episodes, those guys are proven more than ever. The way they coordinate and the style shown in the outfits they wear to make them unique, looking like professional stylists and models. And one of the indispensable things is the humor and wit of the artist. That makes fans can’t help but laugh while watching them. Get ready to laugh with BTS through the video below!... Read More