Funniest Run BTS Moments (Part 2)

For everybody who is a fan of BTS, RUN BTS! has grown to be an essential component. ‘RUN BTS!’, the homegrown variety show produced by BTS, has been heard or seen by many Kpop fans and internet netizens, whether they are followers of the group or not. Numerous funny things happened in the countless episodes that were broadcast. Which BTS Run episodes have impressed you the most? Please post a comment with your ideas! Enjoy your time with the video.... Read More

100万再生!【羽生結弦】 “Dynamite” オン・アイス Yuzuru Hanyu “Dynamite” on ice

2023年3月10日~12日に宮城県で開催されたアイスショー「羽生結弦 notte stellata」。千秋楽のグランドフィナーレは、BTSの世界的な大ヒット曲”Dynamite”!コロナ禍で世界中を元気にしたこの曲にのせてダンス!日テレプラスとhuluで放送・配信された映像が復活です。
※権利の関係上、2024年3月12日までの期間限定公開です。... Read More