SO RUDE! BTS Interviewer Rude To BTS and Fans

CNN did an oopsie

Okay… Here’s a funny story for you
Recently, CNN aired a segment talking about BTS’s success
And during the story, they showed a few popular magazine covers that BTS appeared on
Except that some are fake, they were fan made
For example, BTS did appear on the covers of The Hollywood Reporter, TIME and Paper
But they have yet to appear on the covers of Marie Claire and Vogue
The Marie Claire magazine cover that CNN showed was created by a reddit user called chimotypark
The design looks so real that it fooled CNN
The second fake magazine cover that CNN included, is the Vogue one
It was created by the Twitter used HOPESTULO
While the cover looks real at first sight, CNN could have done a better job
This just shows how much effort CNN puts in their news reports
I probably work harder on mine than they do on theirs

BTS interviewer started arguing with armies

BTS appeared on the show Syke & MJ in the Morning to promote Map of the Soul:7
After Syke teased the interview that has not been released yet
One army commented: “it better not be a collab question”
To which he answered: “Didn’t ask the question. But I did tell them who I would love to see them collab with”

“That’s the same thing”
“Umm no, one is asking a question & getting an answer, the other is stating an opinion”
“Okay but the interview better have been worth BTS’s time. I’ll stay tuned”
“lol well if it wasn’t, that’s on them since they asked us to come in to do an interview”

Well army: be nice, be like BTS


BTS Radio Interviewer Syke Criticized For “Immature” Replies To ARMY