방탄소년단 | BTS 쩔어 DOPE SICK MV Reaction | AllDayThinkOfKpop

방탄소년단 BTS 쩔어 DOPE SICK MV Reaction

We’re back again guys, with even more of the ARMY feels for the newest BTS MV / Comeback 쩔어 !!!

Dope, or Sick, or Fucking Awesome (whatever you prefer to call it) is one of the best songs on the mini album and when we heard they were making an MV for it we nearly had heart attacks. This era of Bangtan continues to slay. Couldn’t have picked a better track than 쩔어 / Sick to promote next… and we’re so proud of how much BTS has grown- our boys are getting so popular XD

Anyway tell us what you think in the comments and give 쩔어 / Sick / Dope lots of love!