BTS Try tik tok for the first time

Day 107687687 of watching ironic tik tok compilations:
I can’t stop watching them help… and… I thought it would be fun to edit a bts version lmao …🤪💩 damn that 4k quality idk what title to put HAHA

✨I have partnered up with Lianox (a kpop store, they sell BTS merch ), if you want to support my channel you can use the code “christiebrenner” at checkout for 10% of your order: ! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ✨

****YOOO if you want to share some clips of this, credit my channel ! and “@christiebrenner” in wherever app u share it ! thanks :b

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sub count :87,573 lol