To thank you for all your support in my channel, I will be doing a GIVEAWAY! Yay for free stuff!!


1. Must be subscribed to my YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/JoseOchoaTV

2. In the comments section below, answer these 3 questions:

– What got you into K-POP?
– What made you subscribe to my channel?
– Who is your favorite K-POP artist? (Band, Solo artist, Duo)

Deadline to enter this giveaway is now Tuesday, June 30th 2015. (06/30/15) 11:00 AM Central Standard Time (CST)

Make sure to enter! xD
And as always, thank you for watching and for your support!

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☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheJose8A

Follow me on tumblr
☞ http://www.joseochoatv.tumblr.com