Jungkook and IU are actually compatible, V revealed his future plans

Jungkook and IU are actually compatible?

We all know that Jungkook is a huge fan of IU
and he named her as his ideal type quite a few times
While they are not dating (as far as we know at least…)
if they were dating, according to their zodiac signs, IU and Jungkook would be compatible
Jungkook is a Virgo, while IU is a Taurus
According to their zodiac signs, both of them are dependable, practical, responsible, humble and ambitious
Sure… zodiac signs are just for fun…
but who knows…

V revealed his future plans

In BTS’s 99th episode of Run BTS! the members learned about flowers from Kim Isaac
In a recent interview with Vogue, the florist shared his interaction with Taehyung
He revealed that V really liked plants
V also shared his future plans with Isaac
“He told me he has a few at home, and was interested in growing a larger plant. I found it very sweet that he stood right beside me to make sure he was doing things correctly” he revealed
The florist also talked about RM:
“I could see why RM became the leader of BTS. He was always analyzing, interpreting situations and events and asking not just about the flowers, but in every situation, ‘How do things work?’ ‘Why do you do things like that?’” he said
As always: be nice, be like BTS