K-Pop Haul: BTS Official Shop, eBay, Mercari, and Yahoo! Japan~

To be honest, August was kind of stressful, but I was extremely lucky and thankfully, I have a very kind and generous friend who also helped me through this rough time. There are still many things I’m trying to sell (link to my storenvy is below), so please take a look!

There’s really nothing to say about this haul other than that it’s missing one photocard (it hasn’t arrived to me yet but I wasn’t going to wait for it to come in to make this video, lmao). Oh right, almost forgot–I wanted to reiterate that BTS Official Shop’s shipping is still bullshit. :’) As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them below!

Please buy my things : http://tetora.storenvy.com/

Where I Bought My Items From:
BTS Official Shop: http://btsofficialshop.com/
ebay: http://www.ebay.com/
Mercari: https://www.mercari.com/
Yahoo! Japan Auctions: http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/